

Welcome to Alice West Fleet School Clinic information page! Here you will be able to access important clinic documents and information including: required immunization information, health forms, health education, and much more.

Arlington Public Schools health services are provided by the School Health Bureau of the Public Health Division of Arlington County’s Department of Human Services. The mission of the School Health Bureau is to provide students and their families with preventive and early intervention services that enable the student to learn to the best of his or her potential.Our School is staffed with a School Health Aide.  Additionally, we have an assigned Public Health Nurse (PHN).  School Public Health Nurses cover anywhere from 1 to 3 schools.

Fleet's Clinic Information

Contact Information

Fleet Clinic Phone Number: (703) 228-8210

Public Health Nurse:
Emily McIntyre:

School Health Aide:
Hawa Lattisaw: 

School Hours:
8:40a.m. – 3:50p.m.

School Health Entry Requirements

Per the Code of Virginia (§ 22.1-271.2. Immunization requirements ( and § 22.1-270. Preschool physical examinations (, students must meet school health entry requirements. School health staff will be following up with parents of students who are missing required vaccines and physical examinations.

More information about school health entry requirements is available online.

Frequently Used Forms

Forms for Medications and Special Procedures

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